Alas, we have finally started our 'Ghetto Gourmet' dinners in Seoul! A collective of crazy food lovers, chefs, and critics got together a few weeks ago to have another excuse to feast, get tipsy, and show off our skillz! For this series, we will be taking turns with writing an entry for each dinner...first up-Andy Joseph, good friend, one of the wittiest Brits I know, writer for TBS, and always knows how to just 'make you feel better'. Yup, that's our Andy! Seoul in the City is honored to have this first blog entry about our 'ghetto gourmet' dinner series spoken in his words...
A couple of weeks ago (Friday, the 22nd July) saw the inauguration of ‘Ghetto Gourmet’. Ten relatively normal, yet quite attractive, people getting together a few times a month and eating homemade food from fresh ingredients based around a theme. Our first theme…Mediterranean.
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